
Friday, April 12, 2013

Ch. 10 - Product Concepts

G.M. COLLIN is a company who produces skin care products and clinical treatments for facials. They will always provide a book with all products and clinical treatments that include the concepts and basic ingredients, it's a easy that client can choose what they want.

The clinical treatments can definitely classify as business product, because the company sell treatments to spas, and then estheticians sell treatments to Clients.  It's a resell process. Due to the company produces skin care products, so they do have different product lines for specific skin to satisfy customers needs.  Moreover, the company also have travel product kit, it's very convenience for travel clients.

The company always trying to improve their products, so they will upgrade the ingredient of product every few years, and they also will have new products come out every few years. G.M. COLLIN is the brand name of their products, they do have logo and designs. Every single product has its name and different designs but under the brand name. They use this brand name and logo to trade and gain profits. The logo like a trade mark to persuade clients to buy products, because the company had good reviews over 50 years.

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